Showing posts with the label number

How To Get The Total Number Of Unique Values In Excel

First of all select any of the cells from the list. Once you click on it you will get a pop-up window to apply advance…

How To Auto Number In Numbers

If you want to create an autonumber for refrence codes with prefixed charctares and x number of digist long. Fill a co…

How To Add Text After Number In Excel

Use this Text formula to do so TEXT 1234 00000 If you have N digits of number then in text format argument write n1 0s…

How To Multiply A Column Of Numbers By The Same Number

Press CTRL C to copy the cell. Excel multiplies each cell by 1 and in doing so converts the text to numbers. Multipl…

How To Add Number Of Hours To Time In Excel

Select the cell s you want to format. After installing Kutools for Excel please do as below. Excel Formula To Calcul…

How Do I Automatically Number Rows In Numbers

The fill box is the easiest way to add auto numbering to rows in your Excel table. When you want to auto-fill serial n…

How To Add Date And Page Number In Powerpoint

Even though Date and Time is not selected it will still print out so select Date and Time. Regardless of how you get h…

How To Add Multiple Number Filter In Excel

Choose a condition and then select or enter criteria. The steps to add filters in Excel are listed as follows. How T…